It seems like one of the big buzz words in education right now is DATA. The four letter word has had a lot of impact in the educational community recently. In my classroom, I use data in many ways. It tracks student growth and progress, drives my instruction, helps me individualize learning experiences, and simplifies my student grouping. There is so much data out that there it can become TOO much. But, my school is using data in a positive way to help us realize our classroom strengths and weaknesses as well as help us set student learning goals. Our district participates in Discovery Education's Think Link testing. These tests are are used to help us track what standards our students have or have not mastered. We assess our students, using this assessment tool, three times a year. There are four levels- level one meaning little to no mastery on a skill, level two shows some mastery, level three shows on grade level comprehension, and level four represents ...