April 22nd is Earth Day! How are you celebrating? We are currently in review mode for state assessment coming up in two weeks (eeekkk!!), but we are still going to be taking part in some great activities to help us understand how our Earth is important to us and why it is vital that we take care of the resources that we have been blessed to use. There are a ton of great Earth Day activities out there. I am really bad when it comes to planning things to do for holidays and celebrations. I get so caught up in the curriculum, and I have to work hard at pulling in themed resources for holidays and honored events. Anyways, I know that there are a plethora of great ideas and resources already floating out there, but I wanted to pull in a few of the Earth Day activities that I use in my classroom each year to share with you in case you still needed some easy, yet meaningful ideas! Jack Johnson- I mean who DOESN"T love Jack. His music is usually what is playing in my ...