This morning, I sat down to dust the cobwebs off of this little old blog of mine and write a post since it has been a while....only to discover that there were some major tech and graphic issues going on with my site. I am not sure when it started, because life has just been a little too hectic for me to check in over here, but it totally deflated me. I shut my computer down, got a little angry (real talk), and walked away. However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that this is totally not something to get upset about. It's time for some small graphic changes over here anyways, and it will actually be the perfect way to get myself and this space transitioned over to sharing about my new role in education. So, even though the blog looks straight blah...please ignore the mess, and I will share regardless. If you hang out with me on Instagram (@rockytopteacher), then you know that I have been a lot more quiet than normal, and my content has been just "there", ...