Winter break is *almost* over. If you are anything like me then that means that you have already been planning, prepping, and creating lots of amazing resources, lessons, and activities for the first few weeks back to school. My district starts school on Tuesday, and a four day week is a great opportunity to start fresh, review routines, and get ready for an amazing second half of the school year. There are a ton of great New Year's Resources that I like to use in my classroom. I don't use the same one every year, and educators are always adding more. Here are a few of my favorites(free and paid) resources that I want to share with you! The Teacher Wife (Photo from her blog) I just love this activity! Lindsey has some great ideas about how to incorporate this New Year hat into your classroom curriculum! Check out her product in her TPT store here. Teaching and Much Moore I am BIG on having students write goals. What I love the most ...
Grinch Day at the Cottage
The Christmas holiday may be behind us, but I still have a few holiday posts to add to the blog. I know that it is too late to use them now, but save the photos and ideas for next year. It will be here before we know it! This year was my first year celebrating all things "Grinch" with my kiddos. We read the book, wrote about random acts of kindness that we could provide for the Grinch to make him happier, drank some awesome Grinch punch, and finished out the day with my FAVORITE NEW ACTIVITY EVER! It is a well known fact that I can't draw. However, that hasn't stopped me from doing it all.the.time-especially now that I am in the classroom! A lot of my students love to draw as well. Their drawing is more than just "doodles". It is art, and it is beautiful. So, when I came across a post on Instagram from Rachel at The Tattooed Teacher that showed a kid's step-by-step video on how to draw the Grinch, I knew I had to check it out. Art for Kids ...
Do You Have Your Glasses?
My classroom has a simple, yet consistent morning routine. Every morning, I stand at the door with my classroom greeter, and we welcome everyone into the classroom. The students hang up their backpacks, find their seats, and begin their morning work. I tackle lunch count and attendance while the students wrap up their morning activities and responsibilities. We have worked very hard to establish our routines and to maintain that consistency. However, even though it is December, there are still little things that I am having to remind the students about. The number one reminder that I seem to give my students on a daily basis is "Where are your glasses?". I either get a smile from a student as he/she heads back to the backpack cart to retrieve the forgotten glasses or a frown because the student didn't remember to bring the glasses to school. Finally, I decided that something had to be done. My sweet kiddos NEED their glasses, and I want them to be ...