If you follow me on IG or Facebook then you know that my teaching world has been all things GoNoodle for the last several weeks. #sorrynotsorry GoNoodle has changed my classroom for the better, and I just can't stop bragging about this awesome group! I have been desperately patiently waiting to share with you about all of the neat GoNoodle inspired opportunities that have happened in our classroom the last week. My students and I have been very grateful for the opportunity to share and grow together while spreading the knowledge of GoNoodle to other classrooms. After winning the GoNoodle contest, we were given $1,000 to spend on classroom items, a visit from Holly and Taylor, and a concert from Koo Koo Kangaroo(Seriously y'all- these guys are the best). Since movement, being active and engaged learners, and bringing in more "student choice" chances are all a huge focus in my classroom this year; I wanted to use the prize money to help purchase items for the ...
GoNoodle Extreme Classroom Makeover Finalist
I am have some SUPER exciting news to share with you today! About a month ago, I entered my class in the GoNoodle Extreme Classroom Makeover contest. I talked about what a huge, positive impact GoNoodle and their brain breaks had on my classroom. We used the GoNoodle brain breaks to help us warm up before a lesson, transition between lessons or centers, and to rewind in the afternoons. On any given day, my students and I were using it between 4-5 times a day. If you are not familiar with GoNoodle, then please be sure to check them out and read about all of the amazing things that the company and website has to offer. I will be back early at a later time to share a post about how my students and I use GoNoodle, but in the meantime...I need your help! There are 5 finalists for the contest, and we need your support! You can vote for my classroom by clicking HERE or on the picture below. If my class wins, we would love to use the funds to help us purchase ...