Last summer, I was told that I would be hosting a student teacher for the 2013-2014 school year. Her placement would be for the entire year, and she would be starting on the first day of school. A zillion questions went throughout my head immediately. Would I have enough to share with her? Would I, a beginner teacher myself, be able to provide her with the tools she needs to succeed in this field? What would she think of me when she experienced the good, the bad, and the crazy parts of a school day/year?

You can never give them too many resources. Let them borrow copies of your favorite teaching books. Do you have a favorite TPT seller or blogger? Did you give your student teacher the website address or a print out of a resource that you have created? Remember back to when you had NO idea about the wonderful world of teacher collaboration here on the web. Share that wealth of knowledge with them. Let them know how you go about planning for units, lessons, etc. We can never have too many blog stalkers and teacher-created resources.

It has been a sweet year. Thank you my dear for helping ME. We are so proud of you, and wish you the best.
This is so touching! You were an amazing mentor. I am forever grateful for all that you shared with me over the course of the school year!
This is so touching! You were an amazing mentor. I am forever grateful for all that you shared with me over the course of the school year!