Last summer, I was told that I would be hosting a student teacher for the 2013-2014 school year. Her placement would be for the entire year, and she would be starting on the first day of school. A zillion questions went throughout my head immediately. Would I have enough to share with her? Would I, a beginner teacher myself, be able to provide her with the tools she needs to succeed in this field? What would she think of me when she experienced the good, the bad, and the crazy parts of a school day/year? Today, my kiddos and I said goodbye to our student teacher, and I found myself thinking back on these first thoughts. Did I share enough? I sure hope so. Sharing is so important so share, share, SHARE!! Teachers-provide as many collaboration opportunities as possible with your student teachers. Share your knowledge. Share your KIDS. Share the work load. They need the resources, the insight, and the experience. Share the good...yes! But, share the crazy and the ...