Back to School Plans I am so drooling over all of the cute and effective classroom decor pictures that are popping up on blogs and Instagram accounts everywhere! My room is still not ready, but they are getting oh so close to being done! The last time I went by, they had the porch to finish as well as some electric and plumbing things to complete. I start back to work on August 2nd with the kiddos starting on the 7th so time is winding down. Not to mention that I am presenting at a back to school PD session for my county in a few days. So between now and the first day of school...THERE IS SO MUCH TO DO!! I am not allowing myself to enter panic mode. Not yet.... Since I am still lacking a classroom, I have been spending the last few days trying to get ready for those first days of school. This year, we will not have a full week when we start back. We will see the kiddos Thursday and Friday and then its the weekend! Whoo! With the new schedule in mind, I have spent a lot of time ...