I got really excited last night when I was typing this post that I put "publish" instead of "schedule" so you are getting some Monday Made It a little early! Thanks to Tara for the link up! I am a data fanatic. Data reports can help me create a pretty good picture of what type of learning and teaching needs to occur in my classroom. Last year, our SAT10 results showed that my students needed to be more proficient in vocabulary. So, I began to research and did you know that research shows that students who have a rich and expansive vocabulary are better, stronger readers? Not only do they read more fluently, but they actually better comprehend the text that they are reading. So guess what is going to be a much larger focus in my classroom curriculum this year? Yup! You guessed it! Vocabulary! Vocabulary is essentially the knowledge of words and their definitions. However, student understanding of vocabulary should go beyond just knowing what a word means. ...