I am a data fanatic. Data reports can help me create a pretty good picture of what type of learning and teaching needs to occur in my classroom. Last year, our SAT10 results showed that my students needed to be more proficient in vocabulary. So, I began to research and did you know that research shows that students who have a rich and expansive vocabulary are better, stronger readers? Not only do they read more fluently, but they actually better comprehend the text that they are reading.

Vocabulary is essentially the knowledge of words and their definitions. However, student understanding of vocabulary should go beyond just knowing what a word means. Students should have such a deep understanding of vocabulary that they can use those higher level words in context.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE how cute your lanyards are and am going to HAVE to redo mine!!!!! Can I order those lanyards?????? Info please! I LOVE that book…it changed my entire way of thinking and teaching vocab and the kids just get it so much more doing it this way:) Thanks for linking up:)
4th Grade Frolics
Hi Sarah! Decided I would come visit you on your beautiful and fun blog! Hello! I haven't read Word Nerds yet. It is on my reading list. I really love the idea of students wearing the lanyards and then staff members stopping students to have vocab convos. Such a great idea. They are fun and colorful go you!
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