I have a funny feeling that this summer is going to be full of sitting at my computer doing homework. I keep telling myself that it will all be worth it soon! SOOO...my Monday Made-Its will probably be few and far between this summer, but that's okay! I do have a few to share with you today! This is one of my all time favorite link ups. Thanks, Tara from 4th Grade Frolics! It makes my heart happy to see so many teachers inspired to eat healthy and exercise. One day I will get around to posting my struggles and successes with my Graves' Disease and Thyroidectomy surgery in regards to weight gains and losses, but for now- I want to share with you an easy recipe that you can make at home to help you stay FIT and HEALHY. Teachers work super hard and oftentimes we let ourselves go because we are so focused on helping out everyone else around us. That is NOBLE and FABULOUS, but we have to remember to take care of ourselves, too. Eating healthy can be the first step. Have you ...
April’s SLANTbox in June
So due to some slight postal problems, I am just now getting around to sharing my awesome SLANTbox. Have you participated in this fun little exchange with Jameson over at Lessons With Coffee? It is a ball of fun for sure! SLANT stands for Sending Love Across the Nation for Teachers. It is a great project where teachers(you don't have to be a blogger) can pair up with one another and send month themed care packages to each other in the mail. I was recently paired up with Jameson(the mastermind behind this sweet project) and am so excited to share with you my box and its' contents. After opening all of the sweet little packages(each with their own notes and clues), I was super excited to receive my first ever copy of The Little Prince. The theme of the month was to send a book and a box full of goodies that related to that book. I can't wait to carry my glasses in this case, and I now have FOX erasers! I will be cooler than the ...
Disappointing Data- Wordless Wednesday
Here is my Wordless Wednesday with Miss DeCarbo. I hope this photo generates some discussion. The following paragraph made me so mad after reading that I had to stop working on my homework assignment(such a tragedy!) and cool down. Do you agree with this data? Does this match your school setting? What tips do you use to help boost parent support, involvement, interaction, and interest in your individual classroom? ...