Guess what?!?! SUMMER IS COMING!!!! I know that most of us are done or almost(hang in there folks..the end is near!) done with school. Now, the summer rest and relaxation can begin. But...let's be real. Even though many of us will be lazy, sleep in, take lots of naps, do a whole bunch of awesome stuff that we don't/can't do during the school year....most of us are already thinking about next school year. Don't fight it-embrace it! And..what better way to start planning and enjoying our break than participating in a Summer Blog Hop hosted by the ever-so-fabulous Britney from Tailor-made Teaching?!? 9 Funtastic bloggers have gotten together to share some summer freebies with you. It is going to be epic. If you are reading this then you have most likely stopped here after visiting Britney's blog and snatching her freebie! So...WELCOME! I am so excited that you are here. I love to take pictures. There is just something about snapping that tiny moment in a ...
June Currently
Y'ALL It's June....and I have a slight confession to make( I feel like I make a lot of "slight" confessions to you) about how my summer is going. I am in the whole weird " what" phase. This is how my thought process went the last few days- IT'S SUMMER... PRAISE THE LORD-AH(Cause in the South we drag out ev. rah. thang).. I AM GOING TO RELAX... BUT I WANT TO ACCOMPLISH SO MUCH... I HAVE HOMEWORK... BUT I WANT TO READ THIS BOOK... I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO... BUT IT'S SUMMER.... Yes. The cap locks were needed because this is like(my high school English teacher would cringe reading this blog with all of my "likes" inserted in random places) an inner battle that I have with myself every.single.morning. So..I sleep in a little, work out a little, try to do homework then take a break and work on things for next school year, then sleep, eat, repeat, etc. My brain is kind of in a spiral of repeat so I figured that there would be no interesting post today other than the fact ...
Summer’s First Five for Friday
I have about five blog posts sitting, waiting, wishing, and hoping to be finished, but I have a grad school portfolio that needs to get done first. So, I am taking a break from my school work to jump in on another fun week of Five for Friday hosted by the fabulous Doodle Bugs for Teaching. As always, thank you girlie for hosting such a fun linky each week! I started off my week by finally getting my classroom packed up(for the most part). I shoved neatly stacked as much as I could into my closets to help get it out of the way. I had made myself promise to NOT enter my room until July. I need a month away. But...I am already planning so sweet things for the classroom this fall! April from A Modern Teacher stole my heart last year in the planner market. I love her beautiful designs, personalization, and customized capabilities along with the fact that a fellow teacher(who knows what teachers REALLY need in a planner) has put together something brilliant. This ...