Happy day! How did your week go? We were plagued with another snow day. I say "plagued" with a little sarcasm because I really do love and appreciate them no matter how far behind they have made us this year. Knowing my luck, we won't use a single snow day next year. I always love this time of the school year. The students are really blossoming, everything is beginning to click into place, and we can really start to dig in deep to our standards and learning experiences. One of the highlights from my week was introducing a new reading strategy tool to my kiddos. We have been breaking down text for a while now. They have highlighted, flagged, underlined, circled, and labeled their little hearts out to help us be better readers. We have spent so much time on this during the school year that it has become second nature to most of my students and seeing them take their time to read and comprehend makes my heart so full. In fact, one day last week, I was getting so confident ...
Number Talk and Five for Friday
I have been blessedly spoiled this week. My district had already planned for a holiday this Friday so I was already lucky(or cursed) with a four day week. Then, that lovely snow storm hit, and my short week turned into a snowcation giving me Wed. and Thurs. off. Sweet, yes? Oh..it gets sweeter! Now, I am in the lovely city Nashville sipping on some local coffee, eating a bagel, and making NO plans to head home until Monday because we also have Presidents' Day off. I know, I know. Don't hate me. I'll make it up to you at the end of this post. Promise. So with that said, I hesitantly joined the Five for Friday linky this week because I really don't have anything exciting to share with you unless you want to see my week of photos that would have included my pajamas and screenshots of Netflix marathons. Have you seen this shirt? This is literally what I do on all of my snow days. ...
Can you believe it? It is February already! I am not one to get excited about the month of love and hearts, but I am trying my best to embrace it this year and what better way to do that then starting off with a little Currently Linky from Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade! Listening It is eerily quiet at my house. It has been that way all week due to me being home four days for snow. But, I actually REALLY enjoy days off. Don't get me wrong.....I get a little stir crazy, but the time off is nice. I wear myself out teaching because it gets my 110% effort and attention all the time so it is nice to have some unexpected vacation days to recharge! Loving Tonight is date night, and it is a double date! My little brother, who is graduating from college this spring(yikes!!!) has a new girlfriend. I can't wait to meet her, and I have promised to not play the "big sister" card and be on my best behavior! :) It's not my fault that I ...